Land Information - Surveyor/Mapping

(715) 468-4780
Fax: (715) 468-4699

Office Hours:
Monday - Friday 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

County Surveyor: 
Lucas Meier
(715) 468-4791

Real Property Lister/GIS Technician:
Paul Deneen
(715) 468-4792

GIS Mapper/LIO:
James Palmer
(715) 468-4656

Departmental Purpose

The Washburn County Land Information Office is responsible for the modernization and maintenance of land records in Washburn County. These records include but are not limited to survey records, road records, aerial orthophotography, road centerline files, address data, parcel data, and section corner records.  Through the utilization of these records the Washburn County Land Information Department has created GIS data layers which are used by the general public as well as other county departments.

Current News

Information & Services

Land Records Modernization

Every 3 years, an updated Land Information Modernization Plan is prepared which allows the County to participate in the Wisconsin Land Information Program. This plan helps define the progress and goals of the County as related to Land Records Modernization. A copy of this plan is available below.

Washburn County Land Information Plan 2022-2024