Land & Water Conservation

(715) 468-4654
Fax: (715) 468-4640

Office Hours:
Monday - Friday 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

Conservation Specialist:
Brent Edlin

Conservation Coordinator:
Lisa Burns

Administrative Assistant:
Trisha Saletri

Mission Statement

To provide competent, professional services in the planning, design, and implementation of programs and projects that protect, restore, and sustain the soil and water resources of Washburn County.

Wisconsin's 72 counties, specifically the County Land and Water Conservation Departments, are the main vehicles for implementing state land and water conservation programs and funds.

Current News

Who should I Talk To?

Need Information On? Staff Person Responsible
Invasive Species, Healthy Lakes Grant, Shoreline Restoration & Mitigation Planning, Tree, Shrub & Wildflower Sale Lisa Burns
Erosion Control, Cost Share Program, Ag Conservation Practices, Manure Storage Ordinance, Farmland   Preservation Program, Non Metallic Mining,  Tree Planter Rental, Farmer Led Council Brent Edlin
Zoning Inquiries Trish Saletri
Wildlife Damage Program: (715) 822-3227 Cody Knoop

Cost Share Program

  • 70 percent Cost Share Assistance to implement most conservation practices
  • 50 percent on land owned by local governments
  • Over 30 Conservation Practices
  • Pays for in-kind labor and equipment

Cost Share Assistance for:

Farmstead Area (pdf) (Barnyard Runoff Control System, Milking Center Waste Control System, Diversions, Feed Storage Runoff Control, Roof Runoff System)

Pasture (pdf) (Prescribed grazing, Livestock Watering, Access Roads, Trails and Walkways)

Manure Management (pdf) (Construction & Closure)

Well Decommissioning (pdf)

Nutrient Management (pdf)

Field Erosion Control (pdf) (Waterway systems, Grade Stabilization Structures, Terrace System, Critical Area Stabilization)

Shoreline & Wetland (pdf) (Riparian Buffer, Streambank and Shoreline protection, Wetland Development or Restoration)

Information & Services

Native Plants